Bhagawan’s 100th Birthday

Personal Sadhana Project

As an offering of love and gratitude to Swami for His 100th Birthday, we are presenting a special personal sadhana programme which we hope you will try to practice every day.

Why do we need sadhana (spiritual practice)?

Sadhana (spiritual exercise) is an activity to help us awaken the divinity within ourselves and Swami beautifully explains:

“All the Sadhana that man performs aims at making his mind steady.  There is no use doing Japa, Dhyana and Yoga if the mind is not steady.  Once you have the five senses under control, you can experience God.  He is not far away from you. He is in you, below you, above you and all around you.” ~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba, 26 May 2002

We are launching a simple personal sadhana plan as an offering to Swami for his 100th Birthday with 4 easy to do actions to help us (re)-connect with Swami.  A further one or two actions will be added every two months

We encourage you to adopt the following simple sadhanas into your daily routine.

  1. Start the Day saying “Thank you Swami for waking me for another day”
  2. Before going to bed say “Thank you Swami for being with me throughout the day”

Try to do these while visualising Swami’s form

“The human body is a sacred instrument given by God and it has to be sanctified by contemplating on God at least one or two times a day.” ~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba, 21st October 2004

3. Before bedtime listen to or watch a short bhajan or darshan video of Swami

“Good vision in particular is of primary importance. Today, cinema, TV, and advertisements show all kinds of perversions. There is nothing good to see there. Lack of good vision goes hand-in-hand with bad hearing. Both cause humanity to degrade to demonic and bestial stages.” ~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba, 26 May 2002

4. Practice silence in speech (with a smile) for a few minutes each day.

Watch the video below where Swami asks us to ‘Experience the sweetness in talking less.’

What will you achieve from doing this Sadhana?

“In the beginning, your Sadhana may not give you immediate results. But if you continue contemplating on God within you, you are sure to achieve peace and bliss.” ~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba, 26 May 2002

We really hope that you enjoy doing this personal sadhana and we will provide you with more updates soon!